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    Lake Cerknica is one of the largest intermittent lakes in Europe. It appears every year on the karst polje, caught between the Javorniki hills and the Bloke plateau on one side, and Mount Slivnica on the other. During the dry season, the lake disappears, which enables paddling, fishing, hiking  in the same area in just one year.


  • MUSEUM OF LAKE CERNICA - Dolenje jezero

    The lake lives its own life, changing its image from a dry flat karst polje to the largest lake surface in Slovenia.

    If you wish to experience it in all its forms, you should dedicate a whole year to it, and even this would not suffice, considering that the processes of intermittence and filling of the lake, as well as the life inside it, changes from year to year.

    Jezerski hram - the Lake Cerknica Museum - offers you an excellent opportunity to get well acquainted with this world-renowned karst natural feature, its history and outward forms in an hour and a half.


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    PLANINSKO POLJE – easy hiking or cycling

    Planinsko polje is a typical karst field with 11 km2 surface. It is exposed to periodical floods of the Unica river.  But those  who know its waterways through the karst can rightly call it ''The River of Seven Names'', because every time it apears on the surface it has a different name.  On Planinsko Polje it is called Unica river, which flows from Planina cave and slowly meanders to the sinkholes on the other side of the field. Planinsko polje is  dry most of the year, but nevertheless it is subject to regular annual flooding, mostly in spring, autumn and winter. At these times the polje becomes a periodic lake and offers extraordinary views. During the dry season it enables fishing, paddling, cycling or hiking.


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    A visit to this picturesque karst valley, formed by sinking and collapsing of a cave ceiling, will not leave you indifferent ...
